List of all CRAN events (new, updated, archived packages)

cran_events(releases = TRUE, archivals = TRUE, limit = 10, from = 1)

# S3 method for cran_event_list
summary(object, ...)

# S3 method for cran_event_list
print(x, ...)



Whether to include package releases.


Whether to include package archivals.


Number of events to list.


Where to start the list, for pagination.


Object to summarize.


Additional arguments are ignored currently.


Object to print.


List of events.


#> CRAN events (events)-----------------------------------------------------------
#>  . When     Package      Version Title                                         
#>  + 4 hours  LipidomicsR  0.3.6   Elegant Tools for Processing and Visualizat...
#>  + 4 hours  fabletools   0.4.2   Core Tools for Packages in the 'fable' Fram...
#>  + 5 hours  ripc         0.3.0   Download and Tidy IPC and CH Data             
#>  + 6 hours  acled.api    1.1.8   Automated Retrieval of ACLED Conflict Event...
#>  + 6 hours  memoiR       1.2-9   R Markdown and Bookdown Templates to Publis...
#>  + 7 hours  SAiVE        1.0.5   Functions Used for SAiVE Group Research, Co...
#>  + 7 hours  colorscience 1.0.9   Color Science Methods and Data                
#>  + 7 hours  ieugwasr     1.0.0   Interface to the 'OpenGWAS' Database API      
#>  + 7 hours  rococo       1.1.8   Robust Rank Correlation Coefficient and Tes...
#>  + 10 hours BMRMM        1.0.1   An Implementation of the Bayesian Markov (R...
cran_events(limit = 5, releases = FALSE)
#> CRAN events (archivals)--------------------------------------------------------
#>  . When  Package      Version Title                                            
#>  - 1 day viruslearner 0.0.2   Ensemble Learning for HIV-Related Metrics        
#>  - 2 day BioM2        1.0.5   Biologically Explainable Machine Learning Fram...
#>  - 2 day wTO          2.0.2   Computing Weighted Topological Overlaps (wTO) ...
#>  - 2 day SPOTMisc     1.19.52 Misc Extensions for the 'SPOT' Package           
#>  - 2 day SPOT         2.11.14 Sequential Parameter Optimization Toolbox        
cran_events(limit = 5, archivals = FALSE)
#> CRAN events (pkgreleases)------------------------------------------------------
#>  . When    Package     Version Title                                           
#>  + 4 hours LipidomicsR 0.3.6   Elegant Tools for Processing and Visualizatio...
#>  + 4 hours fabletools  0.4.2   Core Tools for Packages in the 'fable' Framew...
#>  + 5 hours ripc        0.3.0   Download and Tidy IPC and CH Data               
#>  + 6 hours acled.api   1.1.8   Automated Retrieval of ACLED Conflict Event D...
#>  + 6 hours memoiR      1.2-9   R Markdown and Bookdown Templates to Publish ...
summary(cran_events(limit = 10))
#> CRAN events (events)
#>  [1] "LipidomicsR@0.3.6"  "fabletools@0.4.2"   "ripc@0.3.0"        
#>  [4] "acled.api@1.1.8"    "memoiR@1.2-9"       "SAiVE@1.0.5"       
#>  [7] "colorscience@1.0.9" "ieugwasr@1.0.0"     "rococo@1.1.8"      
#> [10] "BMRMM@1.0.1"