List of all CRAN events (new, updated, archived packages)

cran_events(releases = TRUE, archivals = TRUE, limit = 10, from = 1)

# S3 method for class 'cran_event_list'
summary(object, ...)

# S3 method for class 'cran_event_list'
print(x, ...)



Whether to include package releases.


Whether to include package archivals.


Number of events to list.


Where to start the list, for pagination.


Object to summarize.


Additional arguments are ignored currently.


Object to print.


List of events.


#> CRAN events (events)-----------------------------------------------------------
#>  . When    Package      Version Title                                          
#>  + 3 hours AQEval       0.6.0   Air Quality Evaluation                         
#>  + 3 hours staggered    1.2.2   Efficient Estimation Under Staggered Treatme...
#>  + 4 hours UKFE         0.3.9   UK Flood Estimation                            
#>  + 4 hours SunCalcMeeus 0.1.2   Sun Position and Daylight Calculations         
#>  + 4 hours tinycodet    0.5.4   Functions to Help in your Coding Etiquette     
#>  + 4 hours RLescalation 1.0.1   Optimal Dose Escalation Using Deep Reinforce...
#>  + 4 hours bayesestdft  1.0.0   Estimating the Degrees of Freedom of the Stu...
#>  + 4 hours IVCor        0.1.0   A Robust Integrated Variance Correlation       
#>  + 5 hours cases        0.2.0   Stratified Evaluation of Subgroup Classifica...
#>  + 5 hours hydReng      0.1.0   Hydraulic Engineering Tools                    
cran_events(limit = 5, releases = FALSE)
#> CRAN events (archivals)--------------------------------------------------------
#>  . When  Package     Version Title                                             
#>  - 2 day rmi         0.1.1   Mutual Information Estimators                     
#>  - 4 day binaryMM    0.1.1   Flexible Marginalized Models for Binary Correla...
#>  - 4 day SurvMetrics 0.5.0   Predictive Evaluation Metrics in Survival Analy...
#>  - 4 day MFSIS       0.2.1   Model-Free Sure Independent Screening Procedure...
#>  - 4 day GiNA        1.0.1   High Throughput Phenotyping                       
cran_events(limit = 5, archivals = FALSE)
#> CRAN events (pkgreleases)------------------------------------------------------
#>  . When    Package      Version Title                                          
#>  + 3 hours AQEval       0.6.0   Air Quality Evaluation                         
#>  + 3 hours staggered    1.2.2   Efficient Estimation Under Staggered Treatme...
#>  + 4 hours UKFE         0.3.9   UK Flood Estimation                            
#>  + 4 hours SunCalcMeeus 0.1.2   Sun Position and Daylight Calculations         
#>  + 4 hours tinycodet    0.5.4   Functions to Help in your Coding Etiquette     
summary(cran_events(limit = 10))
#> CRAN events (events)
#>  [1] "AQEval@0.6.0"       "staggered@1.2.2"    "UKFE@0.3.9"        
#>  [4] "SunCalcMeeus@0.1.2" "tinycodet@0.5.4"    "RLescalation@1.0.1"
#>  [7] "bayesestdft@1.0.0"  "IVCor@0.1.0"        "cases@0.2.0"       
#> [10] "hydReng@0.1.0"