, R/print.R
List of all CRAN events (new, updated, archived packages)
List of events.
#> CRAN events (events)-----------------------------------------------------------
#> . When Package Version Title
#> + 3 hours AQEval 0.6.0 Air Quality Evaluation
#> + 3 hours staggered 1.2.2 Efficient Estimation Under Staggered Treatme...
#> + 4 hours UKFE 0.3.9 UK Flood Estimation
#> + 4 hours SunCalcMeeus 0.1.2 Sun Position and Daylight Calculations
#> + 4 hours tinycodet 0.5.4 Functions to Help in your Coding Etiquette
#> + 4 hours RLescalation 1.0.1 Optimal Dose Escalation Using Deep Reinforce...
#> + 4 hours bayesestdft 1.0.0 Estimating the Degrees of Freedom of the Stu...
#> + 4 hours IVCor 0.1.0 A Robust Integrated Variance Correlation
#> + 5 hours cases 0.2.0 Stratified Evaluation of Subgroup Classifica...
#> + 5 hours hydReng 0.1.0 Hydraulic Engineering Tools
cran_events(limit = 5, releases = FALSE)
#> CRAN events (archivals)--------------------------------------------------------
#> . When Package Version Title
#> - 2 day rmi 0.1.1 Mutual Information Estimators
#> - 4 day binaryMM 0.1.1 Flexible Marginalized Models for Binary Correla...
#> - 4 day SurvMetrics 0.5.0 Predictive Evaluation Metrics in Survival Analy...
#> - 4 day MFSIS 0.2.1 Model-Free Sure Independent Screening Procedure...
#> - 4 day GiNA 1.0.1 High Throughput Phenotyping
cran_events(limit = 5, archivals = FALSE)
#> CRAN events (pkgreleases)------------------------------------------------------
#> . When Package Version Title
#> + 3 hours AQEval 0.6.0 Air Quality Evaluation
#> + 3 hours staggered 1.2.2 Efficient Estimation Under Staggered Treatme...
#> + 4 hours UKFE 0.3.9 UK Flood Estimation
#> + 4 hours SunCalcMeeus 0.1.2 Sun Position and Daylight Calculations
#> + 4 hours tinycodet 0.5.4 Functions to Help in your Coding Etiquette
summary(cran_events(limit = 10))
#> CRAN events (events)
#> [1] "AQEval@0.6.0" "staggered@1.2.2" "UKFE@0.3.9"
#> [4] "SunCalcMeeus@0.1.2" "tinycodet@0.5.4" "RLescalation@1.0.1"
#> [7] "bayesestdft@1.0.0" "IVCor@0.1.0" "cases@0.2.0"
#> [10] "hydReng@0.1.0"