Trending packages are the ones that were downloaded at least 1000 times during last week, and that substantially increased their download counts, compared to the average weekly downloads in the previous 24 weeks. The percentage of increase is also shown in the output.
Data frame of trending packages.
#> # A data frame: 100 × 2
#> package score
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 str2str 2629.4117647058823500
#> 2 dataset 1756.9822270583968100
#> 3 priceR 1525.5426025969102500
#> 4 spatial 592.8502275585635300
#> 5 harbinger 522.5741012059055600
#> 6 gslnls 502.4896265560166000
#> 7 gsubfn 465.4510720316577700
#> 8 class 408.0258812880299000
#> 9 dad 406.7416386738717700
#> 10 nnet 385.4568968051024300
#> # ℹ 90 more rows